Today I will show some of the other Paintings done in this or last month these are not all from my Caminos, although most are.
Note; (If you left click on them they will come up big and click again for bigger still, the last older blog will not do all this and you can only click the once but you can try control + on your keyboard ! Remember to use return arrow after looking at them big
I'll start with this one that is on the older blog
To see the real photo taken on the North Camino look up the North Camino blog look at the first entrance, put up on the 30th September, see
11th of May
Portugalete to Castro Urdailes
We were to sleep on mattresses on the floor in the shower room in a sports stadium in Castro Urdailes but couldn’t settle in till after a basket ball game! We left our rucksacks in a locked room and went into town and along the seafront and round the harbour. We took a number of photos. I find looking back how I wrote so little about this place and its wonderful harbour. Maybe it was remembering the terrible night I had sick there. But look at the colours and where but in Spain can you see a cathedral, a castle and a port full of little bright painted boats.
The horse and cart one.
A much smaller painting.
Look again at the Photos in North Camino. Look for
13th of May
Laredo to Cruce de Güemes.
I had left Laredo at six thirty having forgotten to get a stamp on my credential. I was having trouble finding my way and I had heard from Paco that there was a ferry across the estuary, but I didn’t know where to catch it. So I set out on the long way round, following the arrows to Colindres and then on to Güemes all on asphalt according to my map and it was. So you see I had little idea where I was but not on the most walked track for sure. I took two photos around here one of a lovely Mare and her foal that I may attempt one day and later I looked over the hedge to see these two guys muck spreading! These rural photo shots are getting less and less as things modernise and would be harder to come across today. The smell I haven't captured, but needles to say it was sweet.
Back home in Perth I am the only one that seems to paint all his pictures from photos I have taken in Europe. So to try to seem normal I took a photo of two black swans seen here on the Swan river. It came out quite well but has lass appeal to me as a peregrino chuckle
This and last week I have been painting another harbour that I saw on my North Camino walks go see the very end of the story, although this one is far away on the Portuguese Camino when I walked from Rodondela to Caldas.
I believe it was just before I met the charming Witch of the North, from Denmark. Chuckle.
I came into a cluster of old village houses and saw a glimpse of the river between them and went to look and was astounded by what I saw. It was a dull and cloudy, before me an old and probably Roman bridge with a small town and the mountains beyond, all of which was reflected in the still water before me. I still have to capture that, chuckle
I took another photo after going past the unpainted house seen on the right here and from the start of the bridge but this first photo I feel makes the best oil painting, well it will when it's finished.
Bad weather has kept me painting when I should normally have been walking.
Bye for now
The finished painting
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